Unfortunate Sightings in Argentina: Volume 1

Unfortunate Sightings in Argentina: Volume 1

Päivitetty 2. elokuuta 2023

I love Argentina, I do. However, there are some serious fashion mistakes here. Ever since I moved here, I have been sneaking around and snapping photos of things I find both hilarious and atrocious. Please don’t think this is an attack on Argentines or that all Argentines make these mistakes! This photo essay series is just a fun way to share the sights I have seen.

Today’s Theme: Mullets and Rat Tails

That is a serious rat tail. Bonus: fanny pack over the shoulder.

There is so much wrong with this, I don't know what to say.

So much effort put into looking so bad.

This guy went through the trouble of making his rat tail a dread.

Classic mullet. Bonus: Pleather jacket with hood.