Ohio hotels. Best hotels in Ohio, United States



Huron, Ohio, United States

歡迎來到南達科塔州活力四射的城市赫倫!赫倫以其豐富的歷史和充滿活力的文化而聞名,為旅行者提供了一個愉快的體驗。當您探索這座城市時,請務必拜訪世界上最大的雉雞雕像,這個古怪的景點肯定會吸引您的注意。在一天的觀光之後,在城市提供的眾多迷人酒店中放鬆身心。這些酒店提供舒適的客房和熱情的款待,為疲憊的旅行者提供了遠離家的完美住所。赫倫不僅是探索的目的地,也是藝術和娛樂的中心。通過參觀赫倫活動中心,您可以沉浸在當地文化中,觀賞各種表演和活動。對於那些想要避暑的人來說,城市的水上樂園Splash Central是一個完美的地方,您可以在那裡降溫並享受奧運規模的游泳池和刺激的水滑梯。在一天的刺激之後,在城市的多樣餐廳中品嚐美味的美食,這裡提供從當地美食到國際美食的一切。赫倫以其友好的氛圍和熱情的社區而聞名,這座城市將給每位旅行者留下深刻的印象。無論您是在其風景如畫的公園中悠閒散步還是探索其豐富的歷史,這座充滿活力的城市都為每個人提供了適合的活動。所以收拾行囊,準備好體驗赫倫的魔力-這座城市將從您抵達的那一刻開始迷住您。


Photo of the whole room, Bed in Comfort Inn River's Edge

Comfort Inn River's Edge




Comfort Inn River's Edge是一家位於俄亥俄州赫龍市中心的4星級酒店,距離市中心僅0.1mi。這家寵物友好酒店提供各種設施,包括室內游泳池、免費WiFi和空調。憑藉其河景和私人停車場,客人可以享受舒適便利的住宿。酒店還提供給殘障客人的設施、24小時前台服務和無煙環境。無論您是出差還是度假,Comfort Inn River's Edge都是一個難忘住宿的完美選擇。

Property building, Property Logo/Sign in Plantation Motel

Plantation Motel




The Plantation Motel in Huron, Ohio offers a variety of amenities that set it apart from other hotels. The motel features an outdoor swimming pool, perfect for a refreshing dip on a warm day, and guests can enjoy beautiful views of the nearby lake. The motel is also pet-friendly, allowing guests to bring their furry friends along for an additional fee. Free WiFi is available throughout the property, and private parking is also provided at no extra cost. In addition, the motel offers well-equipped rooms with kitchenettes and non-smoking options, ensuring guests have a comfortable stay.

On site in Motel 6-Huron, OH - Sandusky

Motel 6-Huron, OH - Sandusky




Motel 6-Huron, OH - Sandusky is a 2-star hotel located in the city of Huron, Ohio. What sets this hotel apart is its range of amenities offered at no additional cost. This includes pet-friendly accommodation, an indoor swimming pool, Wi-Fi, a relaxing hot tub/jacuzzi, and air conditioning. With a 24-hour front desk, business center, and elevator, convenience is prioritized for guests. Moreover, the hotel's accessibility features and the proximity to the beach make it an ideal choice for travelers who value comfort, relaxation, and a location close to the city center.

On site, Swimming Pool in Rodeway Inn Huron

Rodeway Inn Huron




The Rodeway Inn Huron is a top choice when visiting Huron, Ohio. With a convenient distance of only 2.2mi from the city center, this 3-star hotel is the perfect base for exploring the area. What sets it apart from others is its range of featured amenities, including free parking, a pet-friendly policy (with extra charges), an indoor swimming pool, and free wifi. Additionally, guests can enjoy air conditioning, a 24-hour front desk, and non-smoking rooms with private bathrooms. With these key points in mind, the Rodeway Inn Huron offers a comfortable and convenient stay for travelers.


Comfort Inn River's Edge是一家受歡迎的4星級酒店,位於Huron市中心僅0.1mi的地方。價格從$64起,物超所值。酒店設有各種設施,包括免費早餐,是旅客的方便之選,讓他們有個美好的一天開始。


Comfort Inn River's Edge提供一系列其他設施,以確保客人舒適入住。這些包括免費私人停車場,免費WiFi,空調和沙灘椅/躺椅。酒店還提供24小時前台服務,無煙房間和電梯,方便客人輕鬆前往各樓層。憑藉其河景客房和輪椅無障礙設施,這家酒店適合所有類型的旅客。


Rodeway Inn Huron是一家受歡迎的3星級酒店,位於Huron市中心僅2.2mi的地方。憑藉其便利的位置,客人可以輕鬆探索城市所提供的一切。這家酒店的一大亮點是室內游泳池,為客人提供一個清爽放鬆的方式。酒店還提供免費Wifi,讓旅客在逗留期間輕鬆保持聯繫。其他設施包括免費停車場、24小時接待櫃檯和禁煙客房。對於攜帶寵物旅行的客人,酒店是寵物友好的,但需支付額外費用。總的來說,Rodeway Inn Huron提供舒適的住宿和一系列設施,以增強客人的體驗。

接下來,我們有Econo Lodge Huron,這是該市另一家受歡迎的3星級酒店。價格從$109起,這家酒店為注重預算的旅客提供經濟實惠的住宿。酒店提供一系列設施,以確保客人舒適的住宿,包括免費停車場和24小時接待櫃檯。每間客房均配備現代便利設施,如平板電視、免費Wifi和私人浴室。此外,酒店提供禁煙客房,以確保所有客人的舒適。Econo Lodge Huron位於市中心附近,讓客人可以輕鬆探索Huron的景點和活動。

最後,Quality Inn Huron是一家位於市中心的備受推崇的3星級酒店。價格從$50起,這家酒店為來訪Huron的遊客提供舒適便利的住宿。客人可以享受免費停車場、免費Wifi和每間客房的空調等設施。酒店還設有24小時接待櫃檯,以協助客人滿足其需求。Quality Inn Huron是一家禁煙酒店,確保所有客人享有乾淨舒適的環境。憑藉其優越的位置和各種設施,這家酒店是尋求在Huron享受優質住宿的旅客的熱門選擇。
