
520 件のレビュー

Quality Inn Burbank Airport

Quality Inn Burbank Airport

2255 N. Buena Vista St., Burbank, 91504-3309, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ










Quality Inn Burbank Airport

Quality Inn Burbank Airportへようこそ!カリフォルニア州バーバンクの活気ある中心地からほんの少し離れた、あなたの居心地の良い隠れ家です!2255 N. Buena Vista St.に位置するこの予算に優しいホテルは、1泊わずか$110から始まり、ゴールデンステートでの冒険の完璧な拠点となります。520の素晴らしいレビューを持つこのホテルは、ゲストが私たちの温かく快適な雰囲気を評価していることが明らかです。


便利さと快適さを兼ね備えた休暇の準備をしましょう。私たちの禁煙ルームには、エアコン、無料WiFi、そしてプライベートエントランスが完備されており、まるで自宅にいるかのように感じられます。移動に配慮が必要な方のために、車椅子対応の施設やエレベーターも完備しており、上層階にも簡単にアクセスできます。さあ、荷物をまとめて、Quality Inn Burbank Airportでの忘れられない逃避行のために今すぐ予約しましょう!

Quality Inn Burbank Airportでは、チェックインした後も楽しみが止まりません!冒険心がある方は、大人専用の屋外プールでリフレッシュしてみてください。バーバンクの魅力を探索した後にくつろぐのに最適です。友達と楽しいプールサイドの集まりを開いたり、カリフォルニアの太陽を浴びながら静かなひとときを楽しんだりできます。プールは一年中利用可能なので、滞在中に水しぶきを上げない理由はありません!

冒険は自分の物語を共有することなしには完結しません。Quality Inn Burbank Airport全体で無料WiFiにアクセスできるので、つながりを保ち、カリフォルニアの休暇からの更新でソーシャルメディアのフィードを賑やかに保つことができます。笑顔をもたらす美味しい無料の朝食を楽しんだ後は、アイコニックなユニバーサル・スタジオ・ハリウッドやダウンタウン・バーバンクのエクレクティックなショップを散策する準備が整います。どんな計画でも、Quality Inn Burbank Airportは思い出を作るのに最適な場所です!

リチャージする時間が来たら、心を込めてデザインされた禁煙ルームの一つに退避してください。快適な夜のために必要なものがすべて揃っています。居心地の良いスイートや広々とした宿泊施設など、さまざまな部屋タイプが用意されているので、すべての旅行者に合ったものがあります。食通の自分を解放したり、近くの映画館で映画を観たり、ただリラックスしてアメニティを楽しんだり、Quality Inn Burbank Airportでの滞在は快適で楽しいものになることを約束します。さあ、準備は整いました。今日、あなたの冒険を予約しましょう!


Burbank Bob Hope Airport


Los Angeles International Airport


Long Beach Airport


Ontario International Airport


John Wayne Airport-Orange County















Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Two Bedroom Suite, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport


スイートルーム, 2 クイーンサイズベッド, 2ベッドルーム

2 クイーンサイズベッド

495 平方フィート








One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
One Bedroom Suite,  1 Queen Bed, Living Room and Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport



1 クイーンサイズベッド

495 平方フィート








Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 Queen Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport



1 クイーンサイズベッド

300 平方フィート






Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Accessible Room, 1 Queen Bed, Tub, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport


クイーンベッドルーム, バリアフリー

1 クイーンサイズベッド

300 平方フィート










ビジネススイート, クイーンサイズ

1 クイーンサイズベッド




Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台

2 クイーンサイズベッド

300 平方フィート









スイートルーム, 2 クイーンサイズベッド

2 クイーンサイズベッド






Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Standard Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport



1 キングサイズベッド

300 平方フィート








1 キングサイズベッド









Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport
Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed, Non Smoking in Quality Inn Burbank Airport


デラックススイート, ソファーベッド

1 キングサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド

400 平方フィート









スイートルーム, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド







デラックス, シングル

1 シングルベッド









520 件のレビュー















this hotel had one of the lower prices in burbank~glendale~north hollywood which is why I chose it. I was fearful of getting a Motel 6-type trashy bare bones room. But it was the opposite: everything was nice (except the noise) with a very modern decor and hard laminate floors which are easy to keep clean (I hate hotels that have dirty floors). Plus the air conditioner/heater had a feature I've never seen before: a control called "constant fan" that keeps the fan going even when the air conditioner compressor has paused after reaching the selected room temperature. Nothing disturbs my sleep more than an air conditioner that shuts off and comes back on periodically. I had read reviews of this hotel and knew that it was prone to noise. It has a Jack in the Box restaurant right next to it and there's significant noise from the traffic at the restaurant, plus there's trains going by just across the street. So I brought a 20-inch box fan with me and set it near my ear so it's white noise would drown out the myriad of noises, and it was quite successful. There were kids screaming early in the morning and while I could hear them, the fan kept me happy and so did the drone from the air conditioner. Everything was clean. Everything worked. I got the sense that it's a well-managed hotel. I checked in after midnight and there was an especially attentive front desk person who was a real delight and was very helpful with everything. I'm vegan so I didn't bother with breakfast I figured there was nothing for me anyway. One complaint: this is one of those hotels where they didn't install the shower head properly. I'm only 5'8" but the shower head was about 5'6" high so I had to duck to get my head wet. I'll never understand why hotels like this can't install a shower head-bent pipe mount. I used the coffee maker. I noticed there was a clothes iron and various other amenities.

it's a strange hotel shape, it's like being on the side of a mountain. It's an unusually thin hotel but gets most of it's size from having 3 floors. The lot size is probably a small one so this was the only way to build a hotel there. Parking is equally screwy





Breakfast was ok. Wish the coffee were better.

I couldn't change channels on the TV. I told staff and they said they will have someone look at it. Next day, after being out all day, same problem. Went and told staff and they said nobody came to fix it. So, my two night stay was fine, but someone should have fixed the tv.





It was in a convenient/easy to find location. They had a nice little pool and hot tub. The room was updated and it was really nice to not come into a room with old, crusty carpet. They had nice laminate flooring and updated furnishings, and the room itself felt pretty spacious. I appreciated that they had turkey sausage breakfast sandwiches for breakfast, which was different. Overall, it was a pleasant stay.

The outside of the building was a little old and nondescript. The pool was freezing, but fine. The kitchen and dining area was small and could not fit more than two people at a time. Overall, it was a pleasant stay.





Bed comfortable, still gave you breakfast sandwich and fruit.

The elevator was being replaced and there was nothing about it when I booked my room.I’, M in double leg braces making it a bit difficult using the stairs. Also the hot tub wasn’t working and nothing was mentioned about that either.





The room had the things we need to travel like space, fridge, microwave, cable TV, wifi, coffee, ironing ability, hair dyer,standard shower tub combo. So much of that is Not standard anymore. The facility seems to be getting updated by way of sinks, tubs, floors or they are very well kept. Plenty of pillows and quiet enough not to overly hear traffic even with a fast food drive through very close by.

We like an outdoor hot tub but at the time of this visit this one was cold. I am bit of a lock up everything kind of person and the facility at the time of our visit had the regular stuff covered but hasn't quite updated the exit and entry doors to the stairways and floors to card/code locks, there are no locks just walk on in and up from the garage/alley. It felt creepy but if they weren't overly paranoid I felt that meant there wasn't a Reason to be and it wouldn't stop me from booking again.





i think this hotel is the best choice for any tourist as it worths the money spent in it it’s not expensive at all .although it’s a very small hotel but i think it has all what we needed . i really expected less before coming but thanks god they exceed my expectations miles. the location was perfect so near to the shopping and restaurant neighborhood locations ex: burbank empire center , walmart,burbank town center and a restaurant park only 1 mins. driving to each , the staff was very helpful in the front desk especially Melissa and peter 🌟thanks to them 🎩 although the breakfast is grab and go but it’s so delicious and they put variety of things in quantities but they need to add sthg savory because most of the served food are sweety. there are many vending machines in the hotel if anyone needs a drink or snack . the rooms were very clean and the beds are so comfortable we booked the suite as we are family with two kids the two rooms were perfect and there’s a microwave , coffee machine , hairdryer and an iron . i think this adds to the hotel that it’s infront of jack in the box which is very delicious and it really saved us in many nights when the kids are hungry 👍

the only things that needs to be changed that they only clean the rooms every two days and when you have kids it’s a mess also the pool they should work on it as it’s very very small and considered in the street with a fence with a very small area around we didn’t use it the whole stay .





super clean and very comfortable

- depending on the room, it might be noisy due to the train passing by - breakfast was fine, had greater expectations





The beds were very comfortable, and the sheets were super soft. The mini fridge was very helpful for our extended stay.

Not at all fancy, but we weren't there much, so it did not matter.





Room was clean. Beds comfortable. Bathroom excellent.

Parking...noise level...





The modern industrial furniture was cool and the little pool and hot tub were great as well the convenience of a breakfast bar, free wifi and on top of that an airport shuttle! It is directly next to a 24 hr Jack-in-the-Box burger place.

The outside of the property was depressing looking. The colors used to paint the building should be freshened up to a clean sand color with one color trim. If I hadn’t seen pix of the indoors of the property I would never have booked! Other things to consider is that the walls are paper thin (we heard someone coughing all night) and outside noise from the train and highway might bother some people.

Quality Inn Burbank Airport周辺の観光スポット


Burbank Bob Hope Airport


Los Angeles International Airport


Long Beach Airport


Ontario International Airport


John Wayne Airport-Orange County




  • 屋外


  • 大人専用


  • オールシーズン

Quality Inn Burbank Airportのアメニティ












滞在規則 - Quality Inn Burbank Airport

  • チェックイン / チェックアウト

  • ペット

  • インターネット

  • 年齢制限

  • 門限

  • 駐車場

  • 子供とベッド

  • この施設で受け付けるカード

