
475 відгуків

Econo Lodge Walterboro

1142 Sniders Highway, Walterboro, 29488, Південна Кароліна, Сполучені Штати Америки


475 відгуків

Оберіть дати, щоб побачити ціни

Property building in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Other in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Property building in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Other in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Property building in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Other in Econo Lodge Walterboro


Property building in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Other in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Property building in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Other in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Property building in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Photo of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Bathroom in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Restaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Other in Econo Lodge Walterboro
Econo Lodge Walterboro
Property building in Econo Lodge WalterboroLobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room in Econo Lodge WalterboroBathroom in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in Econo Lodge WalterboroBathroom in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge WalterboroBathroom in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge WalterboroPhoto of the whole room, Bed in Econo Lodge WalterboroBathroom in Econo Lodge WalterboroRestaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge WalterboroRestaurant/places to eat in Econo Lodge WalterboroOther in Econo Lodge Walterboro



Безкоштовний Wi-Fi


Цілодобова рецепція

Номери для некурців

Доступно для інвалідних візків

Приватна ванна кімната

Econo Lodge Walterboro

Ласкаво просимо до Econo Lodge Walterboro, чарівного готелю з 2 зірками, розташованого в самому серці Уолтерборо, Південна Кароліна. Лише коротка 3mi поїздка від центру міста, цей готель - ідеальне поєднання комфорту та зручності. З 475 відгуками, ви можете бути впевнені, що ваше перебування тут буде приємним та незабутнім.

Econo Lodge Walterboro пропонує ряд зручностей, щоб зробити ваше перебування якомога комфортнішим. Прокидайтеся кожного ранку на смачний сніданок та скористайтеся безкоштовним Wi-Fi та кондиціонером по всьому готелю. Цілодобова стійка реєстрації завжди готова допомогти вам з будь-якими потребами під час вашого перебування. Крім того, готель приймає тварин, що дозволяє вам взяти своїх пухнастих друзів за додаткову плату.

Зручність - ключовий аспект у Econo Lodge Walterboro, з магазином на території та різноманітними іншими зручностями, включаючи опалення, сімейні номери та умови для людей з обмеженими можливостями. Готель також пропонує щоденне прибирання, спільну зону відпочинку/телевізор та швидке заселення/виселення, щоб забезпечити безперешкодне перебування. Кожен номер обладнаний рядом зручностей, включаючи телевізор, холодильник, сейф та телефон.

Відчуйте тепло та гостинність Уолтерборо в Econo Lodge Walterboro. З його вигідним розташуванням, доступними цінами від $51, та відмінними відгуками, цей готель - ідеальний вибір як для відпочиваючих, так і для бізнес-подорожуючих. Забронюйте своє перебування вже сьогодні та створіть незабутні спогади в чарівному Уолтерборо, Південна Кароліна.

Як готель, який приймає тварин, Econo Lodge Walterboro розуміє, що ваші пухнасті друзі є частиною сім'ї. Ви можете взяти своїх улюбленців з собою у поїздку за додаткову плату. Просто повідомте нас заздалегідь, і ми зробимо необхідні домовленості, щоб забезпечити комфортне перебування як вам, так і вашим пухнастим компаньйонам. Досліджуйте красиве місто Уолтерборо разом і створюйте незабутні спогади.

Для вашої максимальної зручності ми приймаємо різні способи оплати в Econo Lodge Walterboro. Незалежно від того, чи ви віддаєте перевагу American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Diners Club або Carte Blanche, ви можете бути впевнені, що ваш вибраний спосіб оплати буде прийнятий. Готівку не приймають, тому ви можете забути про турботи щодо необхідності носити готівку і насолоджуватися безпроблемним досвідом оплати.

У Econo Lodge Walterboro ми пропонуємо різноманітні типи номерів, щоб задовольнити ваші конкретні потреби. Наші Номери з Двома Двоспальними Ліжками ідеально підходять для сімей або груп друзів, розміщуючи до чотирьох дорослих і трьох дітей. Якщо ви віддаєте перевагу ліжку розміру King, наші Номери з Ліжком King є ідеальним вибором, пропонуючи комфорт і релаксацію для двох дорослих і одного дитини. Усі наші номери є для некурців, забезпечуючи свіже і приємне середовище для вашого перебування.

Тож чого ви чекаєте? Відчуйте тепло та гостинність Уолтерборо в Econo Lodge Walterboro. З нашою політикою щодо тварин, різними способами оплати та комфортними номерами ми гарантуємо вам незабутнє та приємне перебування. Забронюйте своє перебування вже сьогодні та вирушайте в чудову подорож у чарівне місто Уолтерборо, Південна Кароліна.

Найближчі аеропорти

Charleston International Airport


Hilton Head Airport


Savannah International Airport


Найпопулярніші зручності

Безкоштовний Wi-Fi


Цілодобова рецепція

Номери для некурців

Доступно для інвалідних візків

Приватна ванна кімната


Показати 6 фото

Double Room with Two Double Beds - Smoking

2 Двоспальні Ліжка

290 sqft





Показати 4 фото

Double Room with Two Double Beds - Non-Smoking

2 Двоспальні Ліжка

290 sqft

Приватна ванна кімната





King Room - Accessible/Non-Smoking

1 Ліжко King Size


Відгуки гостей


475 відгуків



Категорії оцінок







Якість WiFi


Обрані відгуки:




травень 2023 р.

clean and fresh. lots of potted flowers around gave a welcoming feeling. Property was close to l-75 but no traffic noises to interrupt sleep. Beds were very comfortable.

if you are looking for a sit down type of breakfast with eggs etc this would not be for you. however l think those types of amenities are overrated and for cost of this hotel a stop at McDonald’s would be just as good or better. hot coffee, pasties and waffles were available.




червень 2023 р.

Stayed here overnight while traveling to Florida, it’s a nice place with beautiful flowers around, makes it inviting. Our room was clean, comfortable and breakfast was nice. For the price and a quick overnight stay to rest up it was perfect!

Shower could have been better, it was working but a bit broken, water would come out the top shower and the faucet below.




серпень 2022 р.

Strikingly well landscaped for a budget motel. You can tell the owners take great pride and care for their property, above and beyond the typical expectation of a budget hotel. By far the best budget hotel i've found anywhere on i95 between Virginia and Georgia. Most are awful, this one is anything but! Simply an excellent choice to stop for the night.

Some minor confusion regarding my reservation on check-in that was ultimately resolved.




квітень 2023 р.

Cleaner than the norm for a budget stay, so pleasantly surprised. Quiet during normal sleeping hours, bed was comfortable for a double. Both a mini fridge and a microwave, and a bottle of water was appreciated. Coffee was good to start the morning. Clean lobby/breakfast area.

Sheets were older and worn. Breakfast area was very tiny, limited offerings.




липень 2023 р.

Everything was delightful. It was quiet and clean. The flowers hanging everywhere gave it so much charm. The staff was helpful friendly and responsive. There was a very nice breakfast selection. How could they do this for such a reasonable price?I would definitely recommend it. I would stay there again!




липень 2021 р.

Everything was clean and the staff was friendly and very accommodating. There are beautiful flowers and plants that surround the property and add a very welcoming touch. There was no breakfast bar ; however there were plenty of restaurants close by. We would definitely stay there again. We had 2 small children with us and felt very safe. Thank you so much to the staff and manager for making our trip a good one.

Only one problem the first night - the upstairs occupant was up in the middle of the night and moving around - had loud feet. The manager can't control this type of thing so we just wrote it off but did mention it to him and he apologized. Would not stop us from staying again if we are in the area and would definitely recommend it to our friends and family.




червень 2022 р.

The facility is tended with obvious care and hard work. The reception was speedy and friendly; the room was very clean, cool and hospitable. The simple amenities are just right for a lay-over while traveling. I will be using this place again on my north-south adventures.

They could tidy up the rear of the property a bit. I walked my dog and saw that other dog walkers have not been very considerate:(




лютий 2023 р.

It's a great place to stay overnight. I have traveled to Maryland several times and stayed at this motel. The rooms are clean, the bed comfortable. Over all a great place to stay.

The only problem I had with my stay was the floors creaked and I was on the second floor and hopefully I didn't disturb the guest below me.




травень 2021 р.

The management was very friendly and accommodating. The room was spacious and clean. Everything worked well. We used the refrigerator, freezer and microwave. They even had HBO. Bathroom looked brand new and the shower was nice and strong. The atmosphere was homey. Guests spoke to one another. The manager brought us lawn chairs so we could sit outside on a beautiful night. That will definitely be our go-to stop in South Carolina.

The lobby could use some sprucing up. Made me think, uhoh. But I was wrong. Staying there was delight. I'm looking forward to when they serve breakfasts again.




липень 2021 р.

Best staff of any motel i have stayed. I was tired and grumpy when i arrived. The guy at the desk worked diligently to get me a room even though it was before check in time. I was expecting a small dinky room , but it was a huge room that was extremely clean.PLEASE NOTE: Shower lovers, they had excellent water pressure and adjustable shower heads. You can actually wash your long hair thoroughly!

There is nothing not to like. Except the fact there are no good eating places close.




травень 2023 р.


clean and fresh. lots of potted flowers around gave a welcoming feeling. Property was close to l-75 but no traffic noises to interrupt sleep. Beds were very comfortable.

if you are looking for a sit down type of breakfast with eggs etc this would not be for you. however l think those types of amenities are overrated and for cost of this hotel a stop at McDonald’s would be just as good or better. hot coffee, pasties and waffles were available.




червень 2023 р.


Stayed here overnight while traveling to Florida, it’s a nice place with beautiful flowers around, makes it inviting. Our room was clean, comfortable and breakfast was nice. For the price and a quick overnight stay to rest up it was perfect!

Shower could have been better, it was working but a bit broken, water would come out the top shower and the faucet below.




серпень 2022 р.


Strikingly well landscaped for a budget motel. You can tell the owners take great pride and care for their property, above and beyond the typical expectation of a budget hotel. By far the best budget hotel i've found anywhere on i95 between Virginia and Georgia. Most are awful, this one is anything but! Simply an excellent choice to stop for the night.

Some minor confusion regarding my reservation on check-in that was ultimately resolved.




квітень 2023 р.


Cleaner than the norm for a budget stay, so pleasantly surprised. Quiet during normal sleeping hours, bed was comfortable for a double. Both a mini fridge and a microwave, and a bottle of water was appreciated. Coffee was good to start the morning. Clean lobby/breakfast area.

Sheets were older and worn. Breakfast area was very tiny, limited offerings.




липень 2023 р.


Everything was delightful. It was quiet and clean. The flowers hanging everywhere gave it so much charm. The staff was helpful friendly and responsive. There was a very nice breakfast selection. How could they do this for such a reasonable price?I would definitely recommend it. I would stay there again!




липень 2021 р.


Everything was clean and the staff was friendly and very accommodating. There are beautiful flowers and plants that surround the property and add a very welcoming touch. There was no breakfast bar ; however there were plenty of restaurants close by. We would definitely stay there again. We had 2 small children with us and felt very safe. Thank you so much to the staff and manager for making our trip a good one.

Only one problem the first night - the upstairs occupant was up in the middle of the night and moving around - had loud feet. The manager can't control this type of thing so we just wrote it off but did mention it to him and he apologized. Would not stop us from staying again if we are in the area and would definitely recommend it to our friends and family.




червень 2022 р.


The facility is tended with obvious care and hard work. The reception was speedy and friendly; the room was very clean, cool and hospitable. The simple amenities are just right for a lay-over while traveling. I will be using this place again on my north-south adventures.

They could tidy up the rear of the property a bit. I walked my dog and saw that other dog walkers have not been very considerate:(




лютий 2023 р.


It's a great place to stay overnight. I have traveled to Maryland several times and stayed at this motel. The rooms are clean, the bed comfortable. Over all a great place to stay.

The only problem I had with my stay was the floors creaked and I was on the second floor and hopefully I didn't disturb the guest below me.




травень 2021 р.


The management was very friendly and accommodating. The room was spacious and clean. Everything worked well. We used the refrigerator, freezer and microwave. They even had HBO. Bathroom looked brand new and the shower was nice and strong. The atmosphere was homey. Guests spoke to one another. The manager brought us lawn chairs so we could sit outside on a beautiful night. That will definitely be our go-to stop in South Carolina.

The lobby could use some sprucing up. Made me think, uhoh. But I was wrong. Staying there was delight. I'm looking forward to when they serve breakfasts again.




липень 2021 р.


Best staff of any motel i have stayed. I was tired and grumpy when i arrived. The guy at the desk worked diligently to get me a room even though it was before check in time. I was expecting a small dinky room , but it was a huge room that was extremely clean.PLEASE NOTE: Shower lovers, they had excellent water pressure and adjustable shower heads. You can actually wash your long hair thoroughly!

There is nothing not to like. Except the fact there are no good eating places close.

Цікаві місця навколо Econo Lodge Walterboro


Charleston International Airport


Hilton Head Airport


Savannah International Airport



Charleston International Airport


Hilton Head Airport


Savannah International Airport


Зручності Econo Lodge Walterboro

Безкоштовний Wi-Fi


Цілодобова рецепція

Номери для некурців

Доступно для інвалідних візків

Приватна ванна кімната

Правила перебування - Econo Lodge Walterboro


  • Заїзд / Виїзд

  • Домашні тварини

  • Інтернет

  • Обмеження за віком

  • Паркування

  • Діти та ліжка

  • Картки, які приймаються в цьому об'єкті

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