
3,591 件のレビュー

nhow London

nhow London

2 Macclesfield Road, London, EC1V 8DG, 英国










nhow London

nhow Londonへようこそ。ロンドン、イギリスの中心部に位置する活気あふれるスタイリッシュな4つ星ホテルです。2 Macclesfield Roadに位置し、このホテルはにぎやかな市内中心部からわずか1.9マイルの距離にあり、ロンドンを探索するための理想的な拠点となります。3591の輝かしいレビューからも、nhow Londonがあなたの期待を上回ることを信頼してください。ホテルに足を踏み入れると、24時間対応のフロントデスクで出迎えられ、快適で贅沢な世界へと歓迎されます。無料の朝食で1日をスタートさせるための設備を備え、フィットネスセンターを利用してアクティブに過ごしたり、バーでドリンクを楽しんだりできます。ホテルはペット同伴も可能で、愛らしいペットを連れてくることができます(追加料金がかかる場合があります)。nhow Londonの各部屋は上質にデコレーションされ、エアコンや無料WiFiなどの現代的な設備が整っています。部屋には居心地の良いベッド、バスタブと無料のバスアメニティを備えた専用バスルーム、エンターテイメント用のフラットスクリーンテレビが備わっています。ビジネスやレジャーで旅行している場合でも、nhow Londonはあなたの滞在を楽しいものにするために必要なすべてを提供しています。料金はたった$123からで、ロンドンでの思い出に残る滞在を提供する素晴らしい価値を提供しています。快適さとスタイルが交わるnhow Londonで、ロンドンの活気あるエネルギーを体験してください。今すぐご滞在を予約し、忘れられないロンドンの冒険に備えてください。

nhow Londonで、ヨーロッパ料理を提供するオンサイトレストランで味覚を堪能してください。レストラン#1では、最も要求の厳しい口の好みにも満足するさまざまな料理が提供されます。味わい深い前菜から食欲をそそるメインディッシュまで、あなたの味蕾を刺激するさまざまなオプションが揃っています。ハートフルなステーキや楽しいベジタリアン料理をお求めの方にも、レストランは満足いただける食事体験を提供します。ホテルの快適さを離れることなく、料理の旅をお楽しみください。

nhow Londonでは、現金のほかに、Visa、Diners Club、American Express、Mastercard、JCB、Soloも受け付けているため、最適な支払い方法を選択して、チェックアウト手続きをスムーズに行うことができます。

nhow Londonで、スタイリッシュで設備の整った客室をお選びください。nhowデラックススーペリアルームは、居心地の良いベッドとモダンな設備で快適な滞在を提供します。少し広いスペースをお探しの方には、nhowスイートが最適で、広々とした部屋とクイーンサイズのベッドが特徴です。贅沢を求める方には、nhowプレミアムおよびnhowデラックスプレミアムルームがエレガンスと快適さを兼ね備えています。どの部屋を選んでも、ロンドンの中心部で平和でリラックスした滞在をお楽しみいただけます。

nhow Londonでロンドンの活気あふれるエネルギーに没頭してください。到着した瞬間から、卓越したサービス、スタイリッシュな宿泊施設、滞在を充実させるために設計されたさまざまな設備でお迎えします。今すぐお部屋を予約し、ロンドンの象徴的な都市で忘れられない冒険に備えてください。


London City Airport


London Heathrow Airport


London Gatwick Airport


Luton Airport


London Stansted Airport
















nhow Premium in nhow London
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nhow Premium in nhow London
nhow Premium in nhow London
nhow Premium in nhow London


Nhow Premium, キングサイズ

1 クイーンサイズベッド

270 平方フィート






nhow Suite in nhow London
nhow Suite in nhow London
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nhow Suite in nhow London
nhow Suite in nhow London
nhow Suite in nhow London


Nhow Suite

1 クイーンサイズベッド

45 平方フィート










Nhow Suite, シングルユース

1 キングサイズベッド






nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London
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nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London


Nhow Deluxe Premium, キングサイズ

1 クイーンサイズベッド

270 平方フィート







nhow Deluxe Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Superior Room in nhow London
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nhow Deluxe Superior Room in nhow London


Nhow Deluxe Superior, 2 シングルベッド

1 ダブルベッド

2 シングルベッド

235 平方フィート










Nhow Premium, シングルユース

1 キングサイズベッド






nhow Deluxe Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Superior Room in nhow London
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nhow Deluxe Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Superior Room in nhow London


Nhow Deluxe Superior, ダブル/ツインベッド

1 ダブルベッド

2 シングルベッド

235 平方フィート






nhow Suite in nhow London
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nhow Suite in nhow London
nhow Suite in nhow London
nhow Suite in nhow London


Nhow Suite, クイーンサイズ

1 クイーンサイズベッド

505 平方フィート







Nhow Deluxe Premium

1 ダブルベッド

270 平方フィート




nhow Premium in nhow London
nhow Premium in nhow London
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nhow Premium in nhow London
nhow Premium in nhow London


Nhow Premium, クイーンサイズ

1 クイーンサイズベッド

270 平方フィート






nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London
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nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London
nhow Deluxe Premium Room in nhow London


Nhow Deluxe Premium, クイーンサイズ

1 クイーンサイズベッド

270 平方フィート






nhow Superior Room in nhow London
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nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London
nhow Superior Room in nhow London


Nhow Superior, 2 シングルベッド

2 シングルベッド

1 ダブルベッド

235 平方フィート









3,591 件のレビュー















Nice, interesting funky style property somewhat different to standard hotels Helpful staff on reception and sweets etc

Heating / air con in our room didn’t work Food smells coming from big extractors opposite building at times Our room was opposite a staff only door at end of corridor- lots of banging of doors as staff were not careful when passing through them. Room ceiling really let the room down - yes it might be part of the set up / look but to lay in bed looking at an unfinished ceiling along with with the yellow foam and filthy marks wasn’t really acceptable . Breakfast was vastly over priced - only having one very slow coffee / tea maker that you have to queue and do yourself is rather thoughtless. Tea was tasteless. Items ran out, had to request top ups.





EVERYTHING We went early to drop our bags as we were going to an event, to my surprise they already had a room ready for us well before check in time. All the little touches at reception, sweet treats and the little gift we received when checking in. Room and whole vibe of hotel is great and the room has so many refreshing touches! Was a perfect location for us and easily within reach of tubes. We didnt stay for breakfast but it looked like a great variety on offer. Experience was one of the best we had in London. All the staff we encountered were fantastic and helpful. Look forward to returning

Nothing to really fault, was bit hard to keep water out of the shower coming into the bathroom. But this was minor





Water in carton instead of plastic bottle. Nice decoration. Good location. Would like to stay here again but not so sure because of the points above

I informed that I'll be checking out at 12:30 and housekeeping was knocking on the door at 11:50🙄 There should be better staff communication. I understand the green policy but they overdo it to their advantage (you need to pay extra for very basic stuff like a vanity kit for example that ALL hotels provide.If someone doesn't need it they won't use it). They didn't refill the coffee capsules as they should at least in my room (for the price we pay per night they should at least do that- so it felt once again as if they want you to order and pay extra for it). The housekeeping service is not so great, they add towels and toilet paper and wash any cups, but they don't really clean e.g hoover or dust and never changed the sheets during my 5-night stay.





Room was beautifully decorated, shower was amazing and hot, bed super comfy and front desk staff were very friendly. The room was also quiet - think the lovely hall carpet and curtain decor added to the noise cancellation. Location meant we explored a different part of London to our normal stay areas and that was quite fun - bus stop is close by so access very easy.

Didn't feel like the room cleaning was not quite up to the same standard as the rest of the hotel services. My teapot was not emptied and washed out and the floor covering was definitely not vacuumed in three days- lots of bits underfoot when walking around bare foot.





The staff were really good and tried to help us when we had some issues with our room. Breakfast was really nice with a good variety of products. The unique decoration was really good and impressive. The suite is amazing - we upgraded our room and it was a very wise decision. The extra fee (which wasn’t that significant) totally worth it.

The basic rooms are really tiny. We booked a superior room for extra money and apparently the superior rooms are the same rooms but accessible, meaning the bathroom was basically a big room with a curtain and nothing else, felt like taking a shower in a hospital. Beds are really tiny - 1.40m for a couple is not something I would expect for a superior room. Water pressure was very weak.





We were thrilled with our stay. We spent a long time trying to find a hotel for a birthday celebration and everything in London that had any character or luxury to it was insanely expensive. When I found Nhow - and the price of the suite was half the price of some really tiny rooms in other places - I thought we have to give it a go.. and I’m so glad we did. We had a gorgeous stay. The check in and check out times were great. The room itself was stylish and cool - and really big. The bed was comfortable with high quality sheets. The bathroom was wonderful. The products supplied were so thoughtful and a really high quality. The staff helpful and lovely. Overall.. absolutely thrilled with our stay and the quality of the accommodation- would definitely recommend. Thank you!





Accommodation that I would recommend to everyone. If I come back to London, I will definitely book this accommodation again. The building itself is in a good location in a quiet neighborhood. McDonalds is a 2-minute walk away, one market is a 3-minute walk away, another market is a 5-minute walk away. The bus stops that we are used is a 5-minute walk away. Two metro stations (Angel and Old Town) 10 minutes' walk away are well connected to the whole city. The hotel is very clean. Our room was clean with all the necessary contents, we didn't miss anything. Staff available at all times 0-24, polite and willing to help with any question. We have an early check-out at 3am which went quickly and without any worries. Every recommendation goes to this hotel. 🙂👍





The location was excellent; close to the train station, probably 15 mts or so walk. There was a convenience store only a few steps from the hotel. The hotel restaurant was lovely and tasty food (the salmon was my fav) with a nice atmosphere. Breakfast had a large selection of everything for every taste and diet needs. English and American Breakfast, scramble eggs, beans, toast, pancakes, pastries, fruits, etc. Good coffee too. The pleasant surprise also was the hotel decor, while I didn't like it in pictures, I loved it in person. It was creative, fresh, new and comfortable beds. We stayed there on our London arrival with destination to Rome, and also on our way back to London with destination to US, I could not wait to stay there again and enjoy the breakfast, the lemonade and cookies in the lobby, nice touch. The hotel key is a hoot, King Henry the VIII never looked so good.

I am not sure if the bathroom had a fan or not, I never found a switch and never asked front desk either.





Good location. Contemporary clean room.

For a hotel near so many tech businesses, the tech was terrible. £10 charge for usable wifi. unsecured wifi. no streaming TV options. no ability to connect to TV.





Gorgeous decor Lovely reception area. So stylish and quirky. Loads fab funky sofas, chairs etc. Very welcoming. Friendly sweet staff. Allowed is to check in early when room was ready Big room. Very comfortable. Loved all the touches like nice mugs, coffee machine, pretty kettle, fab lamps, lovely big cupboard plus slippers and robes. Loads space, storage, really quiet. Beautiful bathroom. Really Big. Huge shower. Nice personalised towels. Beautiful green tumblers. Birthday balloons, chocolates and gifts for my daughter literally made her day. Thank you so much. Have recommended to all my fb friends and I've never done that for a hotel before.

It was perfect for us but for some it might be a bit of a long walk to tube.

nhow London周辺の観光スポット


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Bomber Command Memorial


Lord's Cricket Ground







Guilty London Restaurant


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