
771 відгук

GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo

19801 7th Avenue Ne, Poulsbo, 98370, Вашингтон, Сполучені Штати Америки


771 відгук

Оберіть дати, щоб побачити ціни

TV and multimedia in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Seating Area in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Shower, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Balcony/Terrace, Swimming Pool in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Kitchen or kitchenette, Kitchen/Kitchenette in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Facade/entrance, Property Building in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bedroom, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Hot Tub, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bedroom, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Hot Tub, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Fitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Continental breakfast, Restaurant/Places to Eat in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Toilet, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Facade/entrance, Property Building in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Seating Area in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Shower, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Balcony/Terrace, Swimming Pool in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Kitchen or kitchenette, Kitchen/Kitchenette in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Facade/entrance, Property Building in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bedroom, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Hot Tub, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bedroom, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Hot Tub, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Fitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Continental breakfast, Restaurant/Places to Eat in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Toilet, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Facade/entrance, Property Building in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Seating Area in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Shower, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Balcony/Terrace, Swimming Pool in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Kitchen or kitchenette, Kitchen/Kitchenette in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Facade/entrance, Property Building in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bedroom, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Hot Tub, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bedroom, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Hot Tub, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Fitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Continental breakfast, Restaurant/Places to Eat in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Toilet, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
Facade/entrance, Property Building in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo


GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo
TV and multimedia in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboLobby or reception, Seating Area in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboShower, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboBalcony/Terrace, Swimming Pool in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboKitchen or kitchenette, Kitchen/Kitchenette in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboFacade/entrance, Property Building in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboLobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboLobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboBedroom, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboHot Tub, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboBedroom, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboTV and multimedia, Bed in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboHot Tub, TV/Entertainment Center in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboFitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboContinental breakfast, Restaurant/Places to Eat in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboToilet, Bathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboBathroom in GuestHouse Inn & Suites PoulsboFacade/entrance, Property Building in GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo



Безкоштовна парковка

Безкоштовний Wi-Fi

Безкоштовний спа


Гідромасажна ванна


Окремий вхід

Тенісний корт

GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo

Ласкаво просимо до GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo, чарівного готелю з трьома зірками, розташованого в самому серці Пулсбо, Вашингтон. З невеликою відстанню 0.5mi до центру міста, цей готель пропонує ідеальне поєднання зручності та відпочинку під час вашого перебування.

За початковою ціною всього $96 ви можете насолодитися комфортними та добре обладнаними номерами з різноманітними зручностями. Прокиньтеся до смачного сніданку, щоб почати свій день правильно, і скористайтеся безкоштовним паркінгом, безкоштовним WiFi та цілодобовою стійкою реєстрації для вашої зручності. Готель також має спа та гарячу ванну / джакузі, що надає вам чудову можливість розслабитися та порадувати себе.

З 771 відгуками, ви можете довіряти тому, що наші гості мали фантастичний досвід у GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo. Чи ви досліджуєте недалекі маршрути для піших прогулянок, чи просто насолоджуєтеся місцевими визначними місцями, наш дружелюбний та уважний персонал завжди тут, щоб забезпечити, що ваше перебування буде незабутнім. Не пропустіть чудове перебування в Пулсбо, забронюйте свій номер в GuestHouse Inn & Suites вже сьогодні!

Шановні мандрівники, в GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo ми раді вітати ваших пухнастих друзів! Так, це правда - у нашому готелі дозволено перебування домашніх улюбленців за запитом. Хоча можуть застосовуватися додаткові витрати, ми розуміємо, що ваші чотирилапі компаньйони є частиною сім'ї, і ми хочемо, щоб ви мали повний і незабутній досвід разом з ними поруч. Так що не соромтеся взяти свого улюбленця з собою, коли ви досліджуєте прекрасне місто Пулсбо та його околиці.

Щодо оплати, зверніть увагу, що ми не приймаємо готівку в нашому готелі. Ми приймаємо різні способи оплати, щоб забезпечити зручність для наших гостей. Ви можете оплатити за допомогою American Express, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club або Visa. Так що будьте впевнені, у вас буде кілька варіантів для розрахунку вашого рахунку без будь-яких турбот.

А тепер поговоримо про наші різноманітні та комфортні варіанти номерів. Незалежно від того, подорожуєте ви самі, у парі або з сім'єю, у нас є ідеальний номер для кожного. Наш двомісний номер - для некурців підходить для двох дорослих і одного дитини, затишне двоспальне ліжко. Для трохи більшого розкошу наша люксова кімната з великим ліжком та ванною з гідромасажем - для некурців пропонує простору зону та велике ліжко, ідеальне для відпочинку після довгого дня досліджень. Сім'ї можуть насолоджуватися кімнатою з двома ліжками Queen, комфортно розміщуючи до чотирьох дорослих і трьох дітей у своїх просторих квартирах. Ми також надаємо двомісний номер з доступом для осіб з інвалідністю, забезпечуючи, що кожен може насолоджуватися своїм перебуванням з легкістю. А для тих, хто віддає перевагу зручностям кухонету, наша люксова кімната з кухонетом - для некурців надає ідеальний простір для приготування швидкого обіду або зберігання закусок.

Так що незалежно від того, чи подорожуєте ви з улюбленим улюбленцем, потребуєте широкий вибір способів оплати або потребуєте певного типу номеру, GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo покриє вас. Забронюйте свою кімнату вже сьогодні та насолоджуйтеся нашою винятковою гостинністю в самому серці Пулсбо!

Найближчі аеропорти

Lake Union Seaplane Base


King County International Airport


Seattle-Tacoma International Airport


Friday Harbor Airport


Friday Harbor Seaplane Base


Найпопулярніші зручності

Безкоштовна парковка

Безкоштовний Wi-Fi

Безкоштовний спа


Гідромасажна ванна


Окремий вхід

Тенісний корт

Цілодобова рецепція


Номери для некурців



Зона для пікніка


Додаткові довгі ліжка (> 2 м)

Безкоштовні туалетні приналежності



Приватна ванна кімната

Паркування на території


Double Room - Non-Smoking

1 Двоспальне Ліжко

250 sqft

Приватна ванна кімната


Окремий вхід



King Suite with Spa Bath - Non-Smoking

1 Ліжко King Size

355 sqft

Гідромасажна ванна


Приватна ванна кімната



Queen Room with Two Queen Beds

2 Ліжка Queen Size

300 sqft

Приватна ванна кімната


Окремий вхід





Double Room - Disability Access

1 Двоспальне Ліжко

250 sqft

Приватна ванна кімната


Окремий вхід



King Suite with Kitchenette - Non-Smoking

1 Ліжко King Size

355 sqft


Приватна ванна кімната




Відгуки гостей


771 відгук



Категорії оцінок







Якість WiFi


Обрані відгуки:




липень 2023 р.

Comfortable, clean, quiet. I really enjoyed our stay. I'm don't do breakfast much but the the baked goods were of exceptional standard and the coffee was better than what we paid $10 for downtown. The pics on Booking made it seem sketchier than it was. Great for the dog. Large grassy zooming and poop zone out back with bonus entertainment from the local bunnies.

We had a faint but unpleasant odor in our room, maybe some vomit or bong water in the carpet from about a month ago, that was hard to locate and opening the windows didn't do a lot for it. It wasn't enough to complain about and went away with open windows.




серпень 2023 р.

Great staff, really good housekeeping crew, clean and quiet. I even got a good suggestion on hiking trails.

The breakfast items don’t work for me and my wife. Almost every item has way too much added sugar and/or white flour. I ate only one hard boiled egg and used the tiny half and half to add to coffee I made in my room. The coffee in the breakfast room has the bitter taste of an old coffee maker reused too many times.




грудень 2022 р.

My wife and I appreciate that The Guesthouse Inn is dog friendly. Every time we have stayed there the building has been fairly quiet and our room has always been clean.

The last time we stayed here with our dog a family moved into the room next door with a larger dog. Our dog is a smaller rescue and can be intimidated by bigger dogs. She did not see this dog or get close, but the other dog could smell her through the connecting door and would bark at her frequently, even without movement. This is not our fault, but we did have to call the front desk late at night to ask them to talk to these people about noise levels. It is always your responsibility to tame your dog if they are being excessively noisy.




вересень 2022 р.

The space of the room was good, the bathroom sink is detached from the bathroom (shower/toilet) which is nice. The space of the toilet is quite small which is a bit odd. Breakfast was good (waffle maker, hot breakfast food items), water to refill your bottles. Easy parking. Nice little hot tub/jacuzzi open 10-10 which is reasonable. Friendly staff. Complimentary newspapers. All in all pretty good.

Not a fan of the small toilet space which is taken up by a huge shower/tub (which was good and spacious may I add). Didn't like seeing the larger front desk lady who constantly seemed to always be seated playing on her phone (everyt time I passed) while the other staff seem more attentive and professional. Just an observation.




вересень 2022 р.

This hotel was perfect for the wedding we went to. It was a good price and a good sized room that had everything we needed, the bed was very comfortable, and we were pleasantly surprised by the included breakfast!

The hotel had said we'd be able to use Uber/Lyft, but we had a bit of a struggle doing so. The day we arrived it took us over an hour for the Uber app to find a driver to take us from the Kingston ferry terminal to the hotel, and about a half hour the morning we left. And no cabs available on short notice. I'd recommend scheduling cabs in advance - especially if you're in a hurry!




жовтень 2022 р.

The breakfast was very nice. The coffee was delicious. They had plenty of it, too. The hot cheese omelettes and either sausage patties or links were very tasty. They had quite a few choices of food: fruit, hard cooked eggs, cold cereal, yogurt, hot waffles, hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, etc. Their kitchen employee stayed on top of things.

There was NO elevator. This unfortunately was a real deal breaker for me, for a future stay. I had to go up a lot of stairs for our second floor room. I failed to ask about this facility having stairs.




червень 2022 р.

The service was great both at the desk and at breakfast, and I did feel there were a good number of breakfast options. The hot tub did not open right at 10 on day two BUT it was because they were having someone check the chlorine levels after a lot of use the day before, which I appreciated! (I'm also a little uncertain about hotel hot tubs!). The room was simple but adequate and decor was fairly modern. It was a bit under a mile from the cute downtown Poulsbo which was a lovely, safe, sidewalk walk in the morning for pastries at Sluys!

Some of the hallway areas seemed a bit dated. In our room, the toilet was low and seemed to have some issues flushing even before we used it, and the sink was leaking out of the sides of the faucet a bit but overall it was fully functional and comfortable!




жовтень 2022 р.

The kitchen staff and reception staff are very attentive. Clean room and good value

This hotel had ample coffee and the kitchen facility is very well maintained by its staff. Good coffee and well provided. I think it might be nice to have decaf coffee more readily available. At breakfast, I am glad there were bananas. As always, I look for more fresh fruit at breakfast. And the yoghurt was good but maybe consider plain (not sweetened) yoghurt. And I wish there was recycling at this hotel but it was not evident.




серпень 2022 р.

Place was nice, clean and comfortable. Standard American breakfasts - scrabbled eggs, waffles, bagels, beacon, very sweet oatmeal. Dinning room was cozy and clean. Good localization - green, quiet and peaceful neighborhood.

We had a ground floor room which was not very well ventilated which made the room a bit humid. Coffee at the breakfast wasn't very good.




вересень 2023 р.

The room was warm and inviting, the breakfast was descend. Hot tub and lounge area was amazing. There were several UBS ports. The room was very clean and looked to have been updated recently. Loved the location. Was just a 5 minute drive to Paulsbo Historical Downtown.

The beds were extremally firm and very uncomfortable and very limited t.v channels.




липень 2023 р.


Comfortable, clean, quiet. I really enjoyed our stay. I'm don't do breakfast much but the the baked goods were of exceptional standard and the coffee was better than what we paid $10 for downtown. The pics on Booking made it seem sketchier than it was. Great for the dog. Large grassy zooming and poop zone out back with bonus entertainment from the local bunnies.

We had a faint but unpleasant odor in our room, maybe some vomit or bong water in the carpet from about a month ago, that was hard to locate and opening the windows didn't do a lot for it. It wasn't enough to complain about and went away with open windows.




серпень 2023 р.


Great staff, really good housekeeping crew, clean and quiet. I even got a good suggestion on hiking trails.

The breakfast items don’t work for me and my wife. Almost every item has way too much added sugar and/or white flour. I ate only one hard boiled egg and used the tiny half and half to add to coffee I made in my room. The coffee in the breakfast room has the bitter taste of an old coffee maker reused too many times.




грудень 2022 р.


My wife and I appreciate that The Guesthouse Inn is dog friendly. Every time we have stayed there the building has been fairly quiet and our room has always been clean.

The last time we stayed here with our dog a family moved into the room next door with a larger dog. Our dog is a smaller rescue and can be intimidated by bigger dogs. She did not see this dog or get close, but the other dog could smell her through the connecting door and would bark at her frequently, even without movement. This is not our fault, but we did have to call the front desk late at night to ask them to talk to these people about noise levels. It is always your responsibility to tame your dog if they are being excessively noisy.




вересень 2022 р.


The space of the room was good, the bathroom sink is detached from the bathroom (shower/toilet) which is nice. The space of the toilet is quite small which is a bit odd. Breakfast was good (waffle maker, hot breakfast food items), water to refill your bottles. Easy parking. Nice little hot tub/jacuzzi open 10-10 which is reasonable. Friendly staff. Complimentary newspapers. All in all pretty good.

Not a fan of the small toilet space which is taken up by a huge shower/tub (which was good and spacious may I add). Didn't like seeing the larger front desk lady who constantly seemed to always be seated playing on her phone (everyt time I passed) while the other staff seem more attentive and professional. Just an observation.




вересень 2022 р.


This hotel was perfect for the wedding we went to. It was a good price and a good sized room that had everything we needed, the bed was very comfortable, and we were pleasantly surprised by the included breakfast!

The hotel had said we'd be able to use Uber/Lyft, but we had a bit of a struggle doing so. The day we arrived it took us over an hour for the Uber app to find a driver to take us from the Kingston ferry terminal to the hotel, and about a half hour the morning we left. And no cabs available on short notice. I'd recommend scheduling cabs in advance - especially if you're in a hurry!




жовтень 2022 р.


The breakfast was very nice. The coffee was delicious. They had plenty of it, too. The hot cheese omelettes and either sausage patties or links were very tasty. They had quite a few choices of food: fruit, hard cooked eggs, cold cereal, yogurt, hot waffles, hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, etc. Their kitchen employee stayed on top of things.

There was NO elevator. This unfortunately was a real deal breaker for me, for a future stay. I had to go up a lot of stairs for our second floor room. I failed to ask about this facility having stairs.




червень 2022 р.


The service was great both at the desk and at breakfast, and I did feel there were a good number of breakfast options. The hot tub did not open right at 10 on day two BUT it was because they were having someone check the chlorine levels after a lot of use the day before, which I appreciated! (I'm also a little uncertain about hotel hot tubs!). The room was simple but adequate and decor was fairly modern. It was a bit under a mile from the cute downtown Poulsbo which was a lovely, safe, sidewalk walk in the morning for pastries at Sluys!

Some of the hallway areas seemed a bit dated. In our room, the toilet was low and seemed to have some issues flushing even before we used it, and the sink was leaking out of the sides of the faucet a bit but overall it was fully functional and comfortable!




жовтень 2022 р.


The kitchen staff and reception staff are very attentive. Clean room and good value

This hotel had ample coffee and the kitchen facility is very well maintained by its staff. Good coffee and well provided. I think it might be nice to have decaf coffee more readily available. At breakfast, I am glad there were bananas. As always, I look for more fresh fruit at breakfast. And the yoghurt was good but maybe consider plain (not sweetened) yoghurt. And I wish there was recycling at this hotel but it was not evident.




серпень 2022 р.


Place was nice, clean and comfortable. Standard American breakfasts - scrabbled eggs, waffles, bagels, beacon, very sweet oatmeal. Dinning room was cozy and clean. Good localization - green, quiet and peaceful neighborhood.

We had a ground floor room which was not very well ventilated which made the room a bit humid. Coffee at the breakfast wasn't very good.




вересень 2023 р.


The room was warm and inviting, the breakfast was descend. Hot tub and lounge area was amazing. There were several UBS ports. The room was very clean and looked to have been updated recently. Loved the location. Was just a 5 minute drive to Paulsbo Historical Downtown.

The beds were extremally firm and very uncomfortable and very limited t.v channels.

Цікаві місця навколо GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo

Визначні місця

Bloedel Reserve


Hiram M. Chittenden Locks


Fishermen's Terminal


Fremont District


Lake Union


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center


Pacific Science Center


Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP)


University of Washington


Washington State Ferries


Capitol Hill


Pioneer Square


T-Mobile Park


Lake Washington


Gas Works Park


Визначні місця

Bloedel Reserve


Hiram M. Chittenden Locks


Fishermen's Terminal


Fremont District


Lake Union


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center


Pacific Science Center


Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP)


University of Washington


Washington State Ferries


Capitol Hill


Pioneer Square


T-Mobile Park


Lake Washington


Gas Works Park



Lake Union Seaplane Base


King County International Airport


Seattle-Tacoma International Airport


Friday Harbor Airport


Friday Harbor Seaplane Base


Зручності GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo

Безкоштовна парковка

Безкоштовний Wi-Fi

Безкоштовний спа


Гідромасажна ванна


Окремий вхід

Тенісний корт

Цілодобова рецепція


Номери для некурців



Зона для пікніка


Додаткові довгі ліжка (> 2 м)

Безкоштовні туалетні приналежності



Приватна ванна кімната

Паркування на території

Зручності GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo



Додаткова плата


За межами

Ігрова кімната

Піші прогулянки



За межами



Тенісний корт


Безпека та охорона

Відеоспостереження в загальних зонах

Відеоспостереження зовні об'єкта


Детектори диму

Доступ за допомогою картки

Доступ за ключем




Цілодобова охорона




Зали для зустрічей/банкетів

Додаткова плата



Ванна кімната

Безкоштовні туалетні приналежності


Ванна або душ

Гостьовий санвузол


Приватна ванна кімната


Рушники/простирадла (за додаткову плату)



Туалетний папір



Верхні поверхи доступні лише сходами

Весь номер доступний для інвалідних візків

Житлова зона

Зона відпочинку



Без куріння


Гіпоалергенний номер доступний

Для домашніх тварин

Додаткова плата

Зручності для гостей з обмеженими можливостями

Килимове покриття


Наявність суміжних номерів

Номери для некурців

Окремий вхід


Плиткова/мармурова підлога

Прасувальне обладнання

Сімейні номери

Загальні зони

Спільний лаунж/ТВ-зона

Засоби безпеки

Аптечки доступні

Зручності в номері


Вішалка для одягу



Безкоштовний Wi-Fi

Їжа та напої


Торговий автомат (закуски)

Торговий автомат (напої)










Медіа та технології

Кабельні канали

Супутникові канали


Телевізор з плоским екраном



На відкритому повітрі

Зона для пікніка




Безкоштовна парковка

Паркування на території




Служба підйому

Послуги прибирання


Додаткова плата


Додаткова плата

Щоденне прибирання


Послуги стійки реєстрації

Зберігання багажу



Цілодобова рецепція

Швидка реєстрація/виїзд


Розваги та послуги для сімей

Ігрове обладнання на вулиці для дітей

Настільні ігри/Пазли


Безкоштовний спа

Гідромасажна ванна

Спа-зона/Зона відпочинку



Додаткові довгі ліжка (> 2 м)

Постільна білизна

Шафа або гардероб

Фізична дистанція

Безготівковий розрахунок доступний

Правила перебування - GuestHouse Inn & Suites Poulsbo


  • Заїзд / Виїзд

  • Домашні тварини

  • Інтернет

  • Обмеження за віком

  • Комендантська година

  • Паркування

  • Діти та ліжка

  • Картки, які приймаються в цьому об'єкті

Інші об'єкти, які можуть вам сподобатися

На основі переглянутих об'єктів