
1,630 件のレビュー

Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower

Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower

Shibuya-ku, Yoyogi 2-2-1, Tokyo, 151-8583, 日本










Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower

Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Towerへようこそ。こちらは東京、日本の2-2-1代々木に位置する活気ある4つ星ホテルです。市内中心部からわずか0.5マイルの距離に位置し、このスタイリッシュなホテルは旅行者にとって利便性と贅沢の完璧なミックスを提供しています。1630のレビューを持つこのホテルは、訪問者の間で非常に人気があります。ホテルには無料WiFi、エアコン、24時間対応のフロントデスクなどの設備があります。ゲストは美味しい朝食を楽しんで一日をスタートすることができます。愛犬と一緒に旅行する方のためにペット同伴可の宿泊施設も用意されています。客室には特長のある長めのベッド、防音設備、見事な庭園の眺めがあり、すべてのゲストに快適な滞在を約束します。$166からの宿泊料金で、Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Towerは東京で中心部に位置し快適な滞在を求める旅行者にとって素晴らしい選択肢です。エレベーターアクセス、車椅子対応、バスタブや無料のバスアメニティなどの高級設備があり、このホテルは思い出に残るストレスフリーなバケーション体験を求める方にとって最高の選択肢です。

Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Towerの快適さを離れることなく、料理の旅にふける。フレンチやヨーロッパ料理を提供するレストラン、サザンタワーダイニングで食事を楽しむ。モダンでロマンチックな雰囲気の中で。よりカジュアルな雰囲気をお探しの方には、ファミリーフレンドリーな環境でヨーロッパ料理を楽しめるラウンジサウスコートがおすすめ。敷地内に多彩なダイニングオプションがあるため、部屋から遠く離れることなく美味しい食事を楽しむことができる。お客様の利便性のため、ホテルではアメリカンエキスプレス、ビザ、マスターカード、JCB、ダイナーズクラブなどさまざまな支払い方法を受け付けています。この柔軟性により、チェックインやチェックアウトの手続きがスムーズに行え、支払いの手配を気にすることなく滞在を楽しむことができます。東京を探索した一日の後は、Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Towerのエレガントな客室に退避する。シーニックトリプルルームからパノラミックキングルームまで、各宿泊施設は快適さとスタイルのユニークな融合を提供しています。美しい庭園の景色、特大ベッド、防音設備を備えたこれらの客室は、静かな環境を提供し、安眠をサポートします。どの部屋を選んでも、賑やかな都市の中心部でリラックスした滞在をお楽しみいただけます。


Tokyo International Airport


Narita International Airport


Hyakuri Ab












エクストラロングベッド (> 6.5 ft)







Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Comfort Double Room - single occupancy - Non-Smoking in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower


快適, シングルベッド

1 ダブルベッド

20 平方フィート









Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower


Scenic, キングサイズ, シングルユース

1 クイーンサイズベッド

335 平方フィート







Scenic, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド

30 平方フィート






Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower


Southern Tower, 2 シングルベッド, シングルユース

2 シングルベッド

280 平方フィート








タワー, 2 シングルベッド

1 シングルベッド






Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Scenic Twin Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower


Scenic, 2 シングルベッド, シングルユース

2 シングルベッド

335 平方フィート






Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Southern Tower King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower


Southern Tower, キングサイズ, シングルユース

1 クイーンサイズベッド

280 平方フィート








Panoramic, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド






Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Special Offer - single occupancy - Non-Smoking - Panoramic King Room in Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower


Panoramic, キングサイズ, シングルユース

1 クイーンサイズベッド

365 平方フィート









1 キングサイズベッド









快適, ダブル

1 ダブルベッド

20 平方フィート








1 シングルベッド

1 ダブルベッド








1,630 件のレビュー















Coffee on a comfy lounge chair overlooking Tokyo? Yes, please! It’s a beautiful hotel with stunning views, we even saw Mt. Fuji from here. Lovely room, comfortable bed, toiletries are excellent, professional and friendly staff. We could be in the thick of busy streets within minutes and yet this was a peaceful, tranquil place to rest. Very close to Shinjuku station and also Yoyogi station which was WAY less chaotic for us! Breakfast was excellent…many choices. I loved the banana juice. Eggs cooked to order, rice, mashed potatoes, bacon plus cold items like salads and chicken, decent fruit selection and nice breads. It’s great having 7-Eleven in the building. It’s true what they say about those great egg salad sammies. We dined at a couple of places close by and especially enjoyed Tavern on S. Don’t you have to go to Eggslut?






Great location close to Shinjuku station and the many restaurants, bars and shopping options. Close to the beautiful Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. Well appointed and good size rooms with spectacular views from the high floors. Very welcoming and efficient staff. Easy access by Limousine Bus to and from both Narita and Haneda airports. Really impressive!





check in was fast! hotel is located near shopping malls and amenities





Location perfect, close to Shinjuku train and bus station. NARITA Airport express BUS stops at this hotel. Reception staff excellent house keeping very good. Room had great view from 32 floor. Breakfast good selection for Western, or Asian taste's.

All good





centrally located opposite Shinjuku station. easy and safe arrangements to leave our 6 pieces of luggages whilst we travelled out of Tokyo for several days. also left a snowboard for collection by another party was also efficient. I like that as part of the SDG, the hotel implemented a water dispenser on every floor and a stainless steel jug for each room to get unlimited hot/cold water.





Terrific value for money right on Shinjuku station - the hotel’s highlight is its location and relatively affordable price (considering typical Tokyo hotel costs). Not only that, the bigger rooms (King, Scenic, Panoramic) are very impressive in size considering it’s central Tokyo - I highly recommend going for them even though they’re slightly more expensive. Everything was clean and comfortable once we upgraded to the bigger room (our original double bed room of the smallest type was a bit too small for us and smelled of cigarettes - the hotel staff immediately offered alternatives).

The smallest rooms are too small if you have more than one or two pieces of luggage. Our original room smelled of cigarettes. The hotel is very well maintained despite being slightly dated - with a good refurbishment it would be in the conversation for the best hotel in Tokyo.





When I made the booking, I think there weren't that many rooms left, given that it was sakura season. This hotel is hugely popular with foreigners. So I managed to book a room that was not what I had in mind but was still extremely comfortable. From the window of our 34th floor room, the skyscrapers and Shinjuku station were visible and if one plastered one's face to the window, so was Mt Fuji. Room was clean as usual and despite this being a not so new hotel, the management has maintained it well beyond expectations. One bonus: since the government opened new flight paths into Haneda Airport, aeroplanes now fly over the area and they were visible from our room because of the facing. Plenty many. Great for aeroplane lovers and they aren't all that noisy despite flying quite low. Location is excellent. It is right by the Shinjuku Station and a stone's throw from the Shinjuku Bus Terminal. It is also above the Shinjuku Station on the Oedo Subway Line and it is convenient for people who might want to visit Roppongi and the Tsukiji Outer Market. Opposite the hotel is also Takashimaya Times Square and the Fukutoshin Subway Line below the building (Shinjuku 3-chome Station) goes all the way to the Chinatown in Yokohama (the lines will change along the way, but you don't need to get out of the train), stopping at many nice places like Shibuya, Daikanyama, Naka-meguro, Jiyugaoka, etc. So I guess its location in Shinjuku is really quite hard to beat. And it is located away from the hustle and bustle of Kabukicho so it is a quieter at night.

The Alexa unit in the room. We never figured out if the screen could be dimmed or switched off at night. Maybe it is possible or there is a nigh mode but we never bothered finding out. So we flipped it face down. But that was really a small issue. After all, the Alexa unit is a nice touch by the hotel.





We stayed here on the last leg of our trip and it was a perfect final hotel - the rooms were very spacious, especially compared to typical Japanese hotels, and it was nice to have that comfort with 2 people staying here and with very full bags from souvenirs and 2 weeks of traveling. The lobby and common areas were beautifully decorated for the holidays and they were clean and nicely updated. The staff was helpful in calling our prior hotel as we left a package there and we appreciated their extra assistance. We didn't try the on-site restaurants but they looked very busy so I'd assume a reservation would be helpful here.





Perfect location and very comfortable rooms and beds. Great views. Small 7-11 right in the lobby, excellent restaurants across the pedestrian footbridge at the Takashima department store floors 12-14. Close to train station and bus station to airport. Lots of restaurants and shopping in Shinjuku. We went to Katsukura Shinjuku Takashimaya twice, it was so good, I recommend you google it and check it out your first day as it’s right across the street. Highly recommend this hotel.

Maybe if they had a cheaper breakfast option? I also read online that the restaurant for dinner was not a great experience and overpriced. So I wouldn’t eat in the hotel especially since there are enough options very close by.






It would be nice to have a gym

Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower周辺の観光スポット


Robot Restaurant


Yoyogi Park (Yoyogi Koen)


Meiji Jingu Stadium




Akasaka Palace (State Guest House)


Nezu Museum (Nezu Bijutsukan)


Tokyo Daijingu Shrine


Tokyo Dome City


Happo-en Garden


Rikugien Garden




Inokashira Park


Sanrio Puroland


Kawagoe Ichibangai Shopping Street


Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine (Kawagoe Hikawa Jinja)



Southern Tower Dininig


  • フランス料理
  • ヨーロッパ


  • ファミリーフレンドリー
  • モダンな
  • ロマンチックな

Lounge South Court


  • ヨーロッパ


  • ロマンチックな

Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Towerのアメニティ










エクストラロングベッド (> 6.5 ft)






滞在規則 - Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower

  • チェックイン / チェックアウト

  • ペット

  • インターネット

  • 年齢制限

  • 門限

  • 駐車場

  • 子供とベッド

  • この施設で受け付けるカード

