
4,231 件のレビュー

Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection

Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection

1850 South Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, 92802, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ










Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection

Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionへようこそ。カリフォルニア州アナハイムの活気ある都市に位置する魅力的な3つ星ホテルです。市内中心部からわずか2.3マイルの距離に位置するHotel Luluは、滞在を快適にする便利さと快適さを提供します。

4231件のレビューを受け、Hotel Luluは優れたサービスとおもてなしを提供する評判を築いています。無料Wi-Fi、エアコン、24時間対応のフロントデスクなど、滞在をより快適にするためのさまざまな設備を提供しており、到着した瞬間から自宅にいるように感じるでしょう。無料の朝食で1日をスタートし、屋外プールで泳ぎましょう。

Hotel Luluはディズニーランドやディズニーカリフォルニアアドベンチャーパークなどの人気観光スポットに近い便利な立地を誇っています。そして、リラックスしたいときには、オンサイトのレストランでおいしい食事を楽しんだり、バーでドリンクを楽しんだりしてください。$128からの価格で始まるHotel Luluは、快適さ、便利さ、手頃さを求める旅行者に最適な選択肢です。今日から滞在を予約し、アナハイムの魅力をHotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionで体験してください。

アナハイムを探索した後は、Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionでリフレッシュできる屋外スイミングプールでリラックスできます。通年利用可能なプール1で、季節を問わず水泳を楽しめます。このプールは大人専用で、静かで穏やかな雰囲気を提供しています。寒い日でも心配はいりません - プールは暖房されており、快適さと楽しみを保証します。カリフォルニアの太陽を浴びたり、ゆっくり泳いだりしたい場合は、Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionでの滞在中にリラックスしてくつろぐのに最適なスポットです。

ダイニングオプションに関しては、Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionの素晴らしいオンサイトレストラン、ルルズキッチンでカバーしています。才能あるシェフによって調理された美味しいアメリカ料理で味覚を堪能してください。ハーティーな朝食から食欲をそそるディナーまで、ルルズキッチンはどんな食欲も満たす多様なメニューを提供しています。街を探索する前に満足のいく朝食をとり、楽しい1日の後に美味しい食事で一日を締めくくりましょう。食事の好みに関係なく、Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionから遠く離れることなく美味しい食事を楽しむのに最適な場所です。

Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionでは、滞在をできるだけ便利でストレスフリーにすることを目指しています。そのため、Visa、Mastercard、American Express、Discover、UnionPayなど、さまざまな支払い方法を受け入れています。残念ながら、当ホテルでは現金払いは受け付けていません。したがって、Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionの快適さと利便性を楽しみながら、お好きな支払い方法で簡単にお支払いいただけます。


John Wayne Airport-Orange County


Long Beach Airport


Ontario International Airport


Los Angeles International Airport


Burbank Bob Hope Airport



















Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House
Deluxe Suite in My Athens House


スーペリア, シングルベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド

590 平方フィート






Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Deluxe Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection


Deluxe North Tower, 2 クイーンサイズベッド

2 クイーンサイズベッド

260 平方フィート







Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台

2 クイーンサイズベッド

260 平方フィート









Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - South Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection


South Tower, 2 クイーンサイズベッド

2 クイーンサイズベッド

260 平方フィート







King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection


キングベッドルーム, バリアフリー, ソファーベッド

1 キングサイズベッド

260 平方フィート








Deluxe North Tower, 2 クイーンサイズベッド, 公園の眺め

2 クイーンサイズベッド



Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and Roll-In Shower - Disability Access in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台, バリアフリー

2 クイーンサイズベッド

260 平方フィート









King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection



1 キングサイズベッド

260 平方フィート









King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection


キングベッドルーム, バリアフリー

1 キングサイズベッド

260 平方フィート










North Tower, 2 クイーンサイズベッド, バリアフリー

2 クイーンサイズベッド




King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
King Room with Mobility Accessible Tub and Sofa Bed - North Tower in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection


North Tower, キングサイズ, バリアフリー, ソファーベッド

1 キングサイズベッド

260 平方フィート







Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection
Premium King Room in Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection


プレミアム, キングサイズ, Fireworks View

1 キングサイズベッド

260 平方フィート











4,231 件のレビュー















Room was spotless, beds were extremely comfortable, we had everything we needed, even more than expected. Located very close to our destination, great distance to convenience stores and restaurants, staff was great, especially the staff that was cleaning, they were all working so hard with huge smiles on their faces, they were so welcoming and friendly. Check-in and chek-out were easy and fast. And I had the extra accommodation of having guest services assist me in safe disposal for my medication needle. Decor was beautiful and overall a great stay all around.

N/A. Everything was great!





The parking lot was big so finding parking wasn't a problem. Check-in was fast and easy. The staff was nice and answered all the questions. There was an ice machine and snacks that you could buy in the lobby. There was also a bar at the lobby. Didn't buy drinks there, but it looked nice. We asked for extra towels, and they have a robot that takes it to your room, which I thought was pretty cool. Staff was always site if we needed anything. The location of this hotel was perfect because it's in walking distance to disneyland and close to a few food/drink shops

The morning after our check-in, there was a false alarm that rang like at 8 a.m., and it went on for quite a bit. Enough for us not to go back to sleep for a few more hours. Other than that our stay was perfect





Anna at the front desk has always been very sweet and personable. There’s another shorter woman at the front desk as well, who’s always answering any questions I have and very sweet. We’ve seen both of them the last 2 times and seen how well they deal with difficult guests. Parking is never a problem, beds are always comfortable, ac is always working well, and everything has always been clean. The trip before this one when we saw the sink wasn’t draining they moved us immediately and brought us a new key card so we didn’t have to go to the front desk. It was around midnight when we got in. We had car troubles that same trip and they didn’t hesitate to give us extra time to check out after we were sorting out our car in 106 degree weather.





Absolutely loved our stay here. Walking distance to Disneyland and Disneyland California Park- one straight road down. 24/7 iHop, Walgreens next door and 24/7 CVS on the opposite street. Rooms are super clean, toilets are stocked with a big bottle of shampoo and soap that smells absolutely heavenly (lemongrass smell was damn calming), and staff are so courteous and helpful. There is a convenient laundry room on the first floor. We stayed at the first floor, barely heard any traffic or people talking.

Absolutely nothing.





The staff at the front desk were very helpful and friendly. Always attentive to your needs and the service was very quick. The room was big, comfortable, the ac was great and the shower water pressure was awesome!

There was a lingering foul smell in the lobby area, that was often present on the mornings. And the WiFi network strength in my room was not good enough. I had to reconnect manually every time I grabbed my phone, and even then it wasn’t strong enough. End of the hallway, room 448 on the 4th floor in de south tower





I loved how the welcomed you with a welcome drink! I ended up taking the offer in the morning after checking out and man o man!!!!! That drink was soo good! I may just have to come back there just for the drink alone!! Hospitality was clearly at its finest especially when I was a few hours late to check in coming from AZ we caught traffic but they were very accommodating! Everything was such a breeze I wish I had a few more nights than a quick turn and burn weekend at the beach! Even management in the morning (she had short blonde hair with glasses) after check out was very nice and we really vibed off energy so thank you for that!

Honestly, I kind of forgotten what it was so I guess it wasn’t THAT bad! lol





You can tell Hotel Lulu is an older hotel, and some doors and furniture are a little rough around the edge, but the hotel has kept up and leaned into its status as being right next to Disney. Its quite cozy, the amenities are good, and the staff is friendly and accommodating.

It is an older building; for example, my sink seemed to have backed up on itself while I wasn't in the room, but to their credit, maintenance came right away, cleaned the sink, and cleared out the clog. A free breakfast option would have been nice.





It's a good location and a great price. The staff was always friendly and helpful. The walk to Disney is not too bad, having a stroller helped. We did Uber a few times and it's about around $9 for standard and 12 for XL before tip and takes about the same time as walking.

The rooms are not the cleanest and could use some upgrades. The tub couldn't run a warm bath without some water from the shower head coming out.





I Loved the welcome Drink, was delicious also loved the distance from the hotel to Disneyland/California adventures perfect less then 10min walk. also loved the little Disney pops around the hotel lobby n floors.pool was warm enough to dip n in the night

would have liked the rooms to maybe have some pops of disney since some photos show mickeys on the bed, or an upgrade fee option for that in it also the pool was nice but there was no towels or restock on the towels and staff seen we were in the pool and the fire pits weren't available to trun on .. also haveing to pay the additional fee for parking didn't make sense bc it was secured by a gate for in and outs.





Absolutely excellent location - it was even closer to the exhibition centre and Disneyland than I'd estimated. I paid for a park view and whilst it was (perhaps obviously) restricted, it actually did provide a nice backdrop and at the weekend I could see Disney's fireworks.

I didn't have time to test the pool or the restaurant. I would have retired to the bar on the first night but due to an event the bar had relocated to the lobby which didn't have quite the same appeal!

Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection周辺の観光スポット


Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum




The Queen Mary


Long Beach Cruise Terminal


Pacific Battleship Center - Battleship IOWA Museum


Japanese American National Museum


Los Angeles Broadway Theater District


Historic Core


California Science Center


Dodger Stadium


Griffith Park


Paramount Pictures Studio


Hancock Park


Hollywood Forever Cemetery


The Greek Theatre



Good Yolk


  • アメリカン



  • 屋外


  • 温水


  • 大人専用


  • オールシーズン

Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collectionのアメニティ
















滞在規則 - Hotel Lulu, BW Premier Collection

  • チェックイン / チェックアウト

  • ペット

  • インターネット

  • 年齢制限

  • 門限

  • 駐車場

  • 子供とベッド

  • この施設で受け付けるカード

